LabPro Series

Meet LabPro, a series of highly customizable state-of-the-art laboratory presses. LabPro presses are known for their exquisite and consistent pressing quality and are used in demanding laboratory environments and R&D facilities around the world. 

Even though the closing force of the most powerful LabPro model can reach up to more than 5.000 kN, pressings that need much lower closing forces – 10 kN or less – will be handled with the same accuracy and consistency.

The LabPro press is largely automated and is equipped with a user-friendly touch screen control interface. Moreover, the integrated preset builder allows lab technicians to build and store up to 999 press recipes.

Our LabPro series are designed with the safety of the operator in mind. The CE-certified LabPro series therefore incorporates many safety features, such as a fixed upper platen, an emergency stop system and a safety shield.

An extensive range of options is available for the LabPro series, including a unique and very effective vacuum system which allows the use of high temperatures under vacuum conditions.

LabPro is the right choice for the most demanding quality control and R&D applications, as well as for the preparation of specific sample materials that need a custom approach.


By selecting the right options for your LabPro press, its area of application can be customized and optimized.
Choices of two user interfaces

The LabPro press can be delivered with our Programmable Control System – which uses an 8.4” touch screen –, or with our ProView system which includes a 15” touch screen. The larger screen area of the ProView system gives the user a better view on the settings and progress of the LabPro and adds extra comfort to control the unit. Moreover, the ProView system adds a frequency controller to control the speed of the press during the final closing phase.

Active cooling system

Automated water cooling of the press platens, controlled by electric valves. This way, the press can be deployed swiftly for upcoming tasks that need a lower temperature setpoint.

Please note that the cooling system can be made compliant with ASTM D4703 (to achieve a 15°C/min cooling ramp) upon request.

The system also cools the frame, keeping the temperature of the case around the ambient temperature.

Vacuum system

The press chamber can be put under vacuum (30 – 40 mbar) by means of a vacuum pump that is integrated in the LabPro’s support table. This way, tests can be performed – even at high temperatures up to 700°C – without oxygen and/or with other gases such as nitrogen or argon. The vacuum conditions can be programmed, and the vacuum pump is controlled by our Programmable or ProView software. After pressing, the press chamber can be easily ventilated. Several additional features, such as a hardened glass window, lighting, electrical feedthroughs or multiple daylights can be integrated upon request. All modifications are carried out in accordance with CE-regulations and keeping maximum safety in mind.

Heating capacity to 700°C

The heating capacity of the LabPro can be expanded up to 700°C. This way, a wider range of sample materials can be used.

Fast heating System

When this time-saving system is installed, the heating process of the LabPro press can be accelerated to 20°C/min. This saves quite some time, as it only takes 8 minutes to reach 180°C (instead of 16 minutes) or just 19 minutes to reach 400°C (instead of 38 minutes).

Customized ‘daylight’ and platen sizes

The dimensions of the daylight (this refers to the opening between the lower and higher platens) and platen sizes – see technical specifications section – can be customized upon request. It’s also possible to add extra daylights, which enables to process a significantly larger number of samples within the same cycle. Each daylight can have its own heating/cooling settings.

Oil heating

Compared with electrical heated platens, oil heated platens can achieve an even more homogenous temperature distribution.

Cassette cooling system

The cassette cooling system consists of two water cooled platens which can be moved horizontally – either manually or motorized – between the press platens. The cassette system can even move vertically along with the press platens, to allow cooling under pressure. In situations were extremely fast cooling is needed, the cassette cooling system – cooling up to 280°C per minute – is the right solution.

Furthermore, the heaten platens will be continuously heated while the cooling platens will be continuously cooled. This method results in much lower energy consumption compared to a traditional approach where the heated platens have to be cooled down after each pressing and then heated again. For the same reason, the cassette system is also timesaving.

Floating upper platen for ultralow (< 10 kN) press force

A secondary pneumatic system ensures the weightless closure of the floating upper platen. This option is very useful when a low closure force is needed (0 – 10 kN). When the closure force needs to be higher the standard hydraulic system will be used.

Steel, aluminum and copper platens

By using optional platens in steel, aluminum or copper, a specific temperature distribution profile can be achieved. In case high specific surface pressures are required, other or especially hardened platen materials can be used as well.

Additional options

Your LabPro press can also be equipped with additional options like an exhaust hood, an automatic venting cycle and light and sound systems to indicate the end of a press cycle.

  • Exhaust/extraction hood: sits on top of the press and can be connected to an existing exhaust system using the Jacob ø200 mm connection flange.
  • Automatic venting cycle/degassing stroke: allows to vent the unit, by automatically open and close – after a preset period of time – the press. From 1 to 99 venting cycles.
  • Light signal: a light signal on top of the unit indicates the end of a press cycle.
  • Sound signal: an acoustic signal indicates when the press cycle is finished.
Extended guarantee & maintenance plan

Upon request, the standard guarantee period can be extended. Fontijne also offers preventive maintenance and a calibration service.

LabPro 5020040060010001500customized
Max. closing force*kN5020040060010001500tbd
Platen size*mm225 x 225225 x 320320 x 320400 x 400500 x 500500 x 500tbd
Specific pressure with full loadN/mm20,992,773,903,754,006,00tbd
Standard daylight opening*mm200
VoltageV3 x 400V/50 Hz + zero + ground
3 x 480V/60 Hz + zero + ground
L x W x Hmmtbd

* These parameter values can be altered upon request. Please contact us for further information. 

Fontijne Presses BV has a policy of continuous product development and reserves the right to amend these specifications without prior notice.